6DIGIT | 2003 | Veteran coins | FIRST KEY


6 DIGIT SteamID (for example: STEAM_0:1:123456)

Registered in 2003 Sept (20+ Years of Service, 5+10 year CSGO Coins)

Email of the Steam account (Full ownership – login details)

Original Counter-strike CD key

In stock

Buying this product, you will get:

  • A STEAM account which was registered in September 2003
  • ORIGINAL CD KEY SCAN FROM 2003 which is highest proof of ownership if you ever had to prove it, making the account for the perfect and SAFEST main
  • 5 and 10 Year Veteran Coins after installing CS:GO (works with Free 2 Play version, too)
  • Steam Level 8-9
  • SteamID: 6 DIGIT (e.g. STEAM_0:0:123456)
  • Has 3-12 games
  • Status: 100% clean – No prior VAC bans
  • Example account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/shoppygg; https://steamcommunity.com/id/shoppygg2


You must add $5 to your Steam account to be able to add friends and have the Years of Service updated on your profile. By buying the product you acknowledge that this is a virtual account and you shall not initiate any unjustified chargeback.